This is our second annual boathouse weekend aboard the Kon-Tiki at the Charlestown Navy Yard Marina. This lil beaut sleeps 6, has front and top decks, a captain's chair (more on that later), and an incredible amount of kitsch, including LOTS of animal print. Kitsch exhibit A, candle holders:
From the Kon-Tiki, one can see the Tobin Bridge, enormous liners escorted by tugboats, a bit of Boston, and men in Speedos watering plants on the decks of $1m+ condos:
One is also SURROUNDED by jellyfish:
The weather was incredible. I woke on Saturday and immediately settled on the top deck for some quality leisure time in my jammies.
I enjoyed the sound of gulls and people slowly getting up in the other boats.
And eventually, we got dressed and headed for the city. The marina is on Boston's HarborWalk, and close to Old Ironsides. Because it was the day of the Bruins parade, we weren't in a hurry to get into town. So we stopped for lunch at the Tavern on the Water, which has good views of Boston and great staff, but really so-so food.
After lunch, we took the water ferry to Long Wharf. We got hit by a passing shower, checked out the seals at the Aquarium, met up with another friend, and headed to Faneuil Hall, where it was, of course, insane with tourists, Bruins fans, and other colorful people...
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You, sir, have been blogged. |
After making the mistake of going to FH, we quickly went to the North End, passing through Haymarket, which has been selling food streetside since 1830.
Along the way is this clever installation: a crosswalk containing artist renditions of the Haymarket scene.
Busted crate of potatoes.
Lone lobster claw.
Finally, the North End, where people were just so fucking excited about the Bruins that they forgot they were supposed to be cold New Englanders who love NO ONE.
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The sentiments expressed in this photo are not endorsed by New England at large. |
Melanie was all adult-like, getting a proper coffee beverage. Whatevs.
Then it was back to the ferry. Next to the ferry stop is Codzilla. "Mommy, why does this boat have teeth?" "Sweetie, just shut the fuck up and put on the raincoat the nice man handed you." Hmmm. Me thinks not.
Bye, hazy Boston.
If you have a couple million to spare, you too can have a luxury condo that features private tugboat parking.
A squirrelly Charlestown ruffian gave us a hard time on the way back to the marina. We threw a pack of Marlboro Lights at him and ran for our lives.
Ah, back on the Kon-Tiki, safe and sound. But then a rowdy ladybug stopped by and demanded some prosecco. Luckily, we had an obscene number of bottles onboard. She got a little loud after a while and we had to call her a cab.
Cheryl and Melanie, content after a long day in the sun.
Me and Noelle, quoting honey badger and gearing up for a moving performance of Don't Stop Believin' (okay, truthfully, Noelle sang the whole thing; I did what I do in my car--sing some lines and the chorus and hum the rest, sadly but with PASSION).
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Just a couple small town girls... |
It was a fabulous weekend. I am tired and dopey and now sporting a fantastic tan line:
See, I get reaaaalllly seasick. But with my magic acupuncture wristbands, I am totally okay. And because acupuncture sounds so dull, I refer to them as my ***RICK SPRINGFIELD WRISTBANDS***. Fuck, yeah! Much sexier. Lightning bolts emit from my awesome cuffs. "Pew Pew!" I am invincible on the open seas.
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