Saturday, November 27, 2010

Faulkner Follow-up

From the official review:

Notoriously “difficult,” The Sound and the Fury is actually one of Faulkner’s more accessible works once you get past the abrupt, unannounced time shifts—and certainly the most powerful emotionally.
Um, emotionally powerful, yes. Because I hated every minute of it. Difficult, yes. We're in complete accord there. One of his more accessible works? Good lord.

I finished it late last night--just to finish it. The characters are all despicable, and I found nothing about it riveting--besides maybe the second chapter, Quentin's stream of consciousness. But even that was only moments of lucidity strewn between odd action and thoughts. Had Faulkner seen Boston? I'd like very much to know what part of Boston this little girl is supposed to live in. I couldn't picture it. Poor immigrant rural-ish housing along the river and uncrowded? Even in 1929, I can't see that in Boston.

This book pissed me off like Death of a Salesman pissed me off in high school. Men having breakdowns--loud, yelling, confusing--but not believable. And offering nothing to really latch onto or empathize with. Both stories trigger eye rolling on this end.

I'm almost dreading choosing my next book. As are you, I figure.

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