- Drink more. Check!
- Drink with artists. Some of my drinking friends doodle--check!
- Wear cuter underwear. Hmmm. There are still several months left to the year.
- Read the books on my shelves. Cookbooks, yes. But my rate of purchase definitely outdoes my rate of reading.
- Get regular haircuts. I have given myself two trims in my own bathroom. Not doing well with this one.
- Less TV. Crap. Not doing well on this front either. A little, but not much.
- Put pen to paper, fingers to keys. Check! Though not nearly as much as I ought to (and you wouldn't know by looking at this blog that I write anything more than resolution lists and occasional, strange essays.
- Read 1-2 books/month. Check! I don't think it matters that a lot of them are freelance projects. Whatev.
- Develop an ass. I'm pretty sure it's there, but it's still not much to look at. Because that, my friends, would require exercise.
- Take care of cuticles. What was I thinking about when I wrote this? I don't care about my cuticles.
- Make one new, decent friend. A dear friend from my past found me, so check!
- Don't take things personally. I need a neutral third party to help me keep score on this.
- Finish family tree. Hmmm. I'm pretty certain I've learned all I'm going to learn. But I did just meet my grandmother. At Macy's. You read that correctly. Yeah, it's that kind of family.
- Use gym membership--or save the damn monthly payment. Hmmm. Um, while I'm extraordinarily kind in essentially paying the light bill for my gym, I'm not exactly visiting my gym. At all. Not good.
- Sweep more . . . Check! I mean, not a lot. But more. Definitely more.
- . . . and sleep more. Check! I will never be the sort who can sleep in on a Sunday, but I'm working on going back to sleep after feeding the cat early in the morning.
- Get passport in case I need to make a quick getaway. The paperwork is filled out, but I've neglected to take it beyond that point--which is truly stupid, as this morning my momentary excitement about maybe going to Montreal was dashed when I realized I can't flippin go there without a passport anymore.
- Explore a new state. Check! I dove into NYC with a vengeance in February.
- Take chances. Nothing jumps out. Must put a stickie on the fridge to remind myself to be spontaneous (just kidding--I'm not that kind of girl).
- Swing hips. Check! The extra alcohol consumption (see #1) has assisted me in hip swinging on several occasions (e.g., Brooklyn wedding, Boston birthday, 4th of July cabin [our hour-long tribute to MJ]).
- Less thought, more action. Damn, definitely still thinking too much.
- Be a woman--hot, feisty, confident. #1 has helped, but I still need to work on this.
- Be unbearably, intolerably selfish. Er, as a woman living alone there's no one to a) be selfish around or b) appreciate my selfishness. However, Millie might have thoughts to share on this.
- Make it work, or move. #11 has really helped me feel better, but the jury's still out. The frustration: I know I have a good situation. I'm just feeling like a few key things are not in order and I'm not sure where the fulcrum sits between these two sides of the coin.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I figured we're past the halfway mark and I might consider checking in on my New Year's resolutions. Let's see how Kelly's doing, shall we?
I heart Oklahoma
Now there's a title I never imagined typing.
Mummy turned me on to The Silver Needle, a shop in Tulsa. After a couple weeks of just drooling over their goods, I placed an order.
Now, I'm a bit of a sloppy crafter. I refer to it as artistic license, but the truth is that I'm just impatient and not interested in following directions to the letter. So what I appreciated about this site most was that I was able to type notes to the folks at the store about what kind of fabric I needed, but gave them the freedom to work their expertise in making purchase decisions for me. I even vaguely told them to toss in whatever specialty threads I might need for each pattern. Excellent option, and largely necessary when working on crafty things and unable to directly converse with experts!
About two days later, I received an adorable voicemail message from a woman with a serious accent with info about my order--just a check in of sorts. But the accent . . . she and I are from different worlds. I couldn't help but smile. People truly are kinder outside New England.
So today, a week or so later, I came home after a bad day and saw a package at my door. Could it be? Oh yes!
I don't typically take pictures of this nature, but I just think the folks at SN are so cool that I wanted to share. So bear with me.
First, the package. Who doesn't love receiving a package?

Then there was the fancy packaging inside:

Yay, free patterns, a pen (those of you who truly know me understand that at this point there could have been poo in the box and I'd still be excited about the pen), and some jelly beans!
And then, finally, the goods:

I'm totally digging Little House Needleworks patterns. I'm new to With Thy Needle & Thread. And I'm thrilled to have all the fabric and most of the thread ready to go. I even received a personal message on one piece of material. I know it's impossible to read; essentially they let me know they were giving me something a little different from what I ordered because it was going to be cheaper for me. I love these ladies.

And what this all boils down to now is my desperate race to finish my current project. This one has been going quickly. And I know, I know, my work is a disappointment to cross stitch pros--I am working on large fabric--I think it's 18 ct. I haven't used fabric this big in a long time, and it's just so darn easy on the eyes. And I think the pic is coming out okay regardless.

So thank you, ladies at The Silver Needle! You put a brilliant spin on my day.
Mummy turned me on to The Silver Needle, a shop in Tulsa. After a couple weeks of just drooling over their goods, I placed an order.
Now, I'm a bit of a sloppy crafter. I refer to it as artistic license, but the truth is that I'm just impatient and not interested in following directions to the letter. So what I appreciated about this site most was that I was able to type notes to the folks at the store about what kind of fabric I needed, but gave them the freedom to work their expertise in making purchase decisions for me. I even vaguely told them to toss in whatever specialty threads I might need for each pattern. Excellent option, and largely necessary when working on crafty things and unable to directly converse with experts!
About two days later, I received an adorable voicemail message from a woman with a serious accent with info about my order--just a check in of sorts. But the accent . . . she and I are from different worlds. I couldn't help but smile. People truly are kinder outside New England.
So today, a week or so later, I came home after a bad day and saw a package at my door. Could it be? Oh yes!
I don't typically take pictures of this nature, but I just think the folks at SN are so cool that I wanted to share. So bear with me.
First, the package. Who doesn't love receiving a package?

Then there was the fancy packaging inside:

Yay, free patterns, a pen (those of you who truly know me understand that at this point there could have been poo in the box and I'd still be excited about the pen), and some jelly beans!
And then, finally, the goods:

I'm totally digging Little House Needleworks patterns. I'm new to With Thy Needle & Thread. And I'm thrilled to have all the fabric and most of the thread ready to go. I even received a personal message on one piece of material. I know it's impossible to read; essentially they let me know they were giving me something a little different from what I ordered because it was going to be cheaper for me. I love these ladies.

And what this all boils down to now is my desperate race to finish my current project. This one has been going quickly. And I know, I know, my work is a disappointment to cross stitch pros--I am working on large fabric--I think it's 18 ct. I haven't used fabric this big in a long time, and it's just so darn easy on the eyes. And I think the pic is coming out okay regardless.

So thank you, ladies at The Silver Needle! You put a brilliant spin on my day.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Oh little brother
If only the world were as smart
Lucky would I be
And little brother
If you did not fear Facebook
You'd know more of me
These haiku are dedicated to my dear little brother, who has voiced displeasure at the infrequency of my posts.
If only the world were as smart
Lucky would I be
And little brother
If you did not fear Facebook
You'd know more of me
These haiku are dedicated to my dear little brother, who has voiced displeasure at the infrequency of my posts.
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