Perhaps starting off with pictures of the cemetery doesn't appear to speak to the good times one would hope to have in Paris. But to me it captures the tranquil, romantic, grainy staidness of the old city.
Two mornings I trudged out early, past all the people on their way to work, to wander the narrow paths of the cemetery as the sun began to rise and cast shadows. The cemetery hosts Degas, Foucault, Truffaut, Zola, Dumas, and the list goes on. But even with the help of the maps, I couldn't find any of them.

The cemetery is located below street level, and is dissected by a bridge that sees heavy traffic. But it still manages to be quiet and serene.

And along the way, I was followed, watched, and judged by the multitude of cats that call the cemetery home.

I love this broad. She's haunting and hovers directly over passersby.

The little ears you see here followed me for a while, but kept a safe distance.

Sweet owl.
Some of the tombs were extraordinarily tall; others had no name or decoration.

One of these things is not like the others...
And...what not to do on a tombstone: pictures of the person in a leisure suit, smoking, lounging, and doing a Glamor Shot pose. If anyone does this to me, they can rest assured that I will come back and haunt the shit out of them.
More to come. A bientot!